
The Best Inexpensive Brow Pencil Is $2

August 31, 2017

No makeup, makeup? Here are the basics...

No makeup, makeup. The look we all want to achieve and master. Realistically, have you ever just sat in your bathroom and tried to achieve the infamous no makeup, makeup look? Then you end up going a little overboard like adding a highlighter, baking, setting your eyebrows, or doing a bold lip? Ugh, then you think to can someone possibly do this?

It happens to the best of us, actually, I'm sure it happened to all of us. But, here's how you can achieve the look like a pro!

Girl, Here's Few Things To Consider Before You Start Dating

August 29, 2017

Oh, dating, what does it actually mean? Well, I looked it up for you and this is what I found.

"Dating is a stage of a romantic relationship in which two people who meet socially, possibly as friends or with the goal to assess each other's suitability as a prospective partner in a more intimate relationship or marriage." 

How did I know that "intimacy" would somehow be incorporated into that almost-accurate definition? Let's carefully digest what this actually means.

Slay Your Glow Under $10

Issa glow under $10, I know what you're thinking. Is this is actually a real thing? Is it worth it and is it chalky? No it's not chalky and yes, it's a real thing. If you've been following me for a while now then you know that I'm pretty honest, actually, I'm always honest. Baby, issa worth it. Did I use "issa", right? Never mind.

Say Goodbye to Makeup Wipes, Seriously!

May 5, 2017

As you can already tell this post is going to be a bit, heartbreaking ladies. Sometimes taking your makeup off is the last thing you want to do before bed. You can't tell a girl that takes 510 minutes to do her makeup, that she can't come home, use a makeup wipe, and NOT go to sleep yet. Doesn't the world know that makeup wipes are a lazy-glam girls bestie? I think we all know that coming home late and wanting to wash your face can be an extra task. That's why God made makeup wipes right?

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