Say Goodbye to Makeup Wipes, Seriously!

May 5, 2017

As you can already tell this post is going to be a bit, heartbreaking ladies. Sometimes taking your makeup off is the last thing you want to do before bed. You can't tell a girl that takes 510 minutes to do her makeup, that she can't come home, use a makeup wipe, and NOT go to sleep yet. Doesn't the world know that makeup wipes are a lazy-glam girls bestie? I think we all know that coming home late and wanting to wash your face can be an extra task. That's why God made makeup wipes right?

Cleansing Oils v.s. Cleansing Creams

So we all know that you shouldn't be using makeup remover wipes anymore, right? I didn't come up with this discovery until I noticed skin irritation every time I used them. So since we've eliminated the wipes the question is what can you use now to remove your makeup? A reader actually asked me on Facebook this and I wanted to recommend something she could use and, it still be "lazy girl" approved.

Wash Day for Relaxed Hair

Since returning back to the creamy crack I've developed a much greater appreciation for my hair. As much as I hated wash days when I was natural they are a little more enjoyable now that my hair stays straight FOREVER.

I've been using Carol's Daughter products for years and it's just always worked for me. Knowing how damaging relaxers can be on my hair I choose to opt for a haircare line that was created for overprocessed and damaged hair.

My New Favorite Eyeliner!

On a good day, my winged liner comes out just about perfect. Though this "winged liner" journey of mine hasn't always been smooth sailing, it's gotten better with practice. Just like everything else in life. On my journey to a more slayed liner, I've tried a lot of different liners. But this one though, girl!

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